Thursday 3 October 2024

The curse of My Race...

My race embarked on as the civilization embarked,

with no name, and with no sphere,
with hymns under my tongue,
with a unique fix on the land.
But now my race is treated,
In the gloomy grease of Parliament Street,
In the banners of Indian democracy,
The vote hunters recline with rigid ideas.

I was born with no memory,
I started amid no expectations,
but strived for some opportunity,
but, the world was cut by prospect.
I have never found equality,
when the wits were split by the horizon -
for the pundit from Banaras,
the scholars from Gurukuls.

We have lost into a lifeless shadow,
pushing our souls far behind.
for the pundit from Banaras,
the scholars from Gurukuls.
the scientists from IITs and IIMs,
the finish line shrinks and sinks,
Like the sea eagle gulps the fries,
and my race cried like a goat in fear.

at the back, all the oceans dried,
as the clouds fold over a barren region,
and the empty bags in hands,
but glue to hunt our names on the sand,
to be wiped out by the tides fast and furious,
to our dismay, moguls assemble at supper;
amid children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren around them,
was it melancholy or mockery or tyranny?

In the wildwood, in untilled grass;
there was no grace, except in their laughter.
Where was the equality of the Constitution?
Parliament, courts and leaders are all riddled,
reclined with rigid head like the opium-eaters,
vilify achievers and high-fliers,
then, dazzlers plan for a pigsty,
reconcile for the dark lanes.

The ripe grapes sucked by blockheads,
Their sight turned acid-held high,
spreading virus charred candelabra,
But the capable glow like the lantern in the darkness,
being Men, they could toil to live,
they accepted the rights of everyone,
The Brahmanic virtues pacified them,
 and turned friendly with twine arms.

Hark, my children, don't lament;
listen to the fresh green voices,
they were formerly themselves,
in the mode, even the wind tamed,
the natural wilderness and inflexions;
Divine plans are greater than the humans,
No man can unmade them and fallen columns,
force Divine is always the emperor.

The children, look at the horizon,
In this wild forest, what do they do?
Alas! you dammed bright pundits,
glow-worm trapped in molasses,
The unkind President holding a council,
encircled by dumb Secretaries,
I defy everything other than my diversity,
The vivid suns I see, the murky suns I cannot see.

The groom un-wrinkle his regal attire,
The prostitute daggles and rumples her clock
The Chief Justice and his bench holding a hearing,
A boatman over rivers, or springs, or along banks,
The soldiers shouldering their caps pass in single file,
Breathe the air but leave a foul smell after me,
praying for every hue and caste, of every rank and religion,
And I am stuck up and am sobbing in my temple.

Sunday 29 September 2024

Waqf Amendment Bill 2024 - Need of nation

 A good number of liberal, secular and democratic Indians by and large accept as right the basic spirit and contents of the Waqf Amendment Bill 2024. It is in tune with the spirit of inclusion, efficient and just management and accountable use of Waqf properties for diverse Indian Muslim groups is sharply divided while the bill replaces the word "Waqf" with the words Unified Waqf Management, Empowerment, Efficiency and Development". It makes scope for the inclusion of poor, backward, Muslim women, and non-Muslims too and consequently more inclusive.  Different clauses of the bill amending the Waqf Act of 1995 mirror the spirit and philosophy of the Constitution. 

Primarily, in a secular nation with a secular constitution, there should not be such communal acts and boards as the Waqf Act and Waqf Boards. They're not good at the unity and integrity of the nation, democracy and the constitution. They may be spreading disharmony inside the society and the country. So the Waqf Act have to be scrapped and Waqf boards ought to be disbanded. They're against the concept of secularism, equality and democracy. They'll breed separatism and communalism. They can claim the possession of any property like a land shark. So they have to be scrapped. However, the concept of Waqf is foreign, Islamic and discordant. Waqf Act is an Islamic / Sharia Act. So it should not apply to Hindus and non-Muslims and their properties like temples, ashrams, gurudwaras and other religious institutions of the Hindus and non-Muslims. Waqf act ought to no longer be applicable or claim on the government properties. No government can donate any property to the Waqf Boards. The government ought to not spend any money on non-secular institutions just like the Waqf Boards. 

Waqf properties ought to be managed and acquired by the government and be distributed to the landless people, Dalits, Tribals, Backwards and poor people of that village or town, as the case can be. There should be 50% Hindu and non-Muslim staff in Waqf Boards and Waqf Offices to offer it secular, inclusive and democratic character and reservation and quotas should provided to SCs, STs, OBCs and EWSs as with rules of the reservation and quotas.

 All the Waqf Boards should be under the control of the district collector. The decision of the district collector needs to be very final in any dispute. The claims need to be accepted via the District Collector. In case of any dispute, courts have the power to decide upon the case and not the Waqf Boards/Act. Their decisions should be final. The Waqf Board or the Mutawalli should no longer have any judicial powers to decide or listen the disputes. Government officials must be there in the Waqf Boards. Mullahs, Maulvis and other religious employees ought not to be appointed as employees and officers in the Waqf Boards. 

Judicial and survey powers should not be given to Waqf Boards and Waqf officers. Waqf Act should not apply to land possession earlier than 1995 on which date this act was created. The properties of Hindu temples and ashrams need to be returned to the Hindu temples and Ashrams. It surreptitiously conspires to encroach on the land and properties of the non-Muslims under the Sharia / Waqf Act. 

Waqf Boards should not have any survey right to the properties of temples, ashrams, Hindus and non-Muslims. The earnings of Waqf should be the earnings of the government. No special treatment to any religion is given. All need to be equal. 

 The 1995 act empowered Waqf Boards to investigate and decide if an asset is Waqf. This power doesn't match within the legal and constitutional framework of governance. This is the bitter irony that the Waqf (claimant) first declares the property belongs to it and then becomes the judge and jury on its claim. Hence, Waqf Boards have laid claim to whole villages and ancient temples throughout India which have been reported that many properties owned by railways and defence are illegally occupied by Waqf. 

 Historical monuments which are maintained and conserved by ASI are claimed by Waqf Boards. Their structures are tampered with. It's reported that in the capital Delhi alone 138 properties belonging to DDA and 108 belonging to Land & Development Office (L&DO) are illegally claimed by Waqf Boards. These reports have created conflicts and therefore need to be addressed. The bill rightfully removes the provision that gives absolute power to Waqfs to claim any property as Waqf in the name of charity and then become a judge in its purpose. 

The Amendment Bill rightly publicizes that any government properties identified as Waqf shall cease to be. In case of uncertainty, the Collector of the area will decide ownership and put up its report to the state government. In case it's deemed important the revenue records data shall be updated. 

The 1995 act empowered the appointment of a Survey Commissioner and Additional Commissioners to survey Waqf by Waqf Boards. The proposed bill rather empowers the Collectors to survey as per the state revenue laws. This amendment is needed and logical. 

The provisions of the bill which make sure: - 

i) Someone practising Islam for at least five years may also claim a waqf.

ii) Some Muslims must own the property being declared.

iii) Elimination of Waqf by users.

iv) Waqf-al-Aulad must not bring about a denial of inheritance rights to the proprietor's heirs which include ladies heirs. 

The 1995 Waqf Act provided for a Central Waqf Council to advise the Central and State governments and various Waqf Boards. This was very illogical. Though there was a provision for 2 women in the council, all participants had to be Muslims. So, it was not secular and inclusive. Considering that Waqf influences even non-Muslim communities the Bill logically stipulates that 2 members in the Central Waqf Council ought to be non-Muslims. MPs / former judges or eminent people should not necessarily be Muslims. 

The Bill nonetheless provides that representatives of Muslim establishments, scholars in Muslim Laws and Chairpersons of Waqf Boards must be Muslims. Additionally of the Muslim members, 2 must be women. The Bill empowers state governments to appoint 1 person from MPs/MLAs/MLCs/Bar Council to State Waqf Boards. They need not be Muslims. There could be as a minimum 2 non-Muslim members on the Board. The Board shall necessarily have as a minimum 1 person each from Shia/Sunni/Backward Classes/Dalits/Adivasi/Hindus/Jains/Sikhs. It should have one member each from Bohra and Agakhani communities if they have Waqf in the state. Two Muslim members should be women. That is apparent that those provisions shall make State Waqf Boards inclusive and secular. 

The 1995 act stipulates that decisions delivered by Tibunals constituted by Waqf Boards to settle any disputes are final and shall not be subject to further judicial reviews. This is very regressive. This is against all tenets of justice/Constitution and the rule of law. The Amendment Bill allows the decisions of Tribunals to be appealed against.

 The bill authorises the Central government to make laws regarding registration, publication of accounts and publication of proceedings of Waqf Boards. The Union Government shall also have the right to get the accounts of Waqf Boards audited by the CAG or any designated officer. This shall surely help in the smoother, objective, honest and corruption-free management of various Waqf properties. 

In this light, the proposed Amendment Bill is perfectly in step with the ideas of secularism, democracy, inclusiveness,  the guidelines of the constitution and accountability.

Tuesday 17 September 2024

No place for the Hindus...

 Isn't it adequate that Hindus and India preach and educate the world and the coming generations about secularism, inclusiveness and non-violence? However, they are almost silent about the trauma billions face in the Indian subcontinent and other parts of the world. Do we have to splash August 14, or any date, as a tribute to Horrors Day? Now, someone would say that only a sick mind and heart can dwell upon catastrophe, for that's what partition laid bare—an ordeal to go over intrepidly if possible, but not to lay bare dehumanized acts.

Partition of our millennia-old nation was the largest civilizational, human and geopolitical disaster of all ages. Regrettably, a big segment of academia has either been trying to thrash it or even putting riders on its tribute. This is outrageous! That too, in the University campuses which teach papers on trauma and memory studies! The Universities talk about traumas of the entire world but not of the Hindu community and nationality!

The people who talk loudly about 'We stand with Hamas and Palestinians ' are soundless on the issue of Bangladeshi Hindus. In the same way, they are trying to hide the crimes against Hindus. We are living in times in which even academicians who were once natural intellectuals have now transformed into the very fixed and agenda-driven intellectuals whom they dislodged. However, academicians are also bold and aggressive selectively. Remember, the anger of academicians on the Kathua rape case, Hathras, Manipur, Hamas.

'Trauma' and 'Partition'  as categories of inquiry are popular in our pedagogy. Bangladesh events are very important. They tell us the Partition is not simply an event but a dreadful memory playing out in countless ways by blazing its stories into our souls. These young Bangladeshis don't remember the sacrifice of Indians and the Hindus in '71, let alone '47. These young Bangladeshis don't remember '71, let alone '47. And yet deep within they nurture a hatred for, everything India and the Hindus that has roots in that almost forgotten 'memory'.  Even, nothing has been done by the government of India, intellectuals, or even media so far in support of the vulnerable Hindus in Bangladesh today.

Hardly anybody has posted very strongly on my social media pages and in various WhatsApp groups condemning the killing of, and atrocities on, Hindus in Bangladesh, which is to be read in the same manner as any such discrimination anywhere in the world. Terrible events springing from genocidal hatred, are producing terrifying outcomes in Bangladesh, and Hindus are eagerly looking for some really strong words of both support and warning from the Indian PM, and the raising of the violence officially by influential voices and organisations. Hatred of the type we're witnessing in Bangladesh today must be crushed.

Khulna and Jossore were 'Hindu Majority' districts that went to East Pakistan in 1947 due to the treachery of the Late Jogendra Nath Mondal and the lackadaisical approach of Pt. Nehru. Murshidabad came to India despite being Muslim majority. Now, Muslims have almost wiped the entire Hindu population out of Khulna and Jossore where as the Muslim population of Murshidabad has gone up to seventy percent. Bangladeshi Hindus have the equal right to live in their own country without the constant threat of being wiped out.

Encouraging the Hindus to leave Bangladesh and live in India as refugees or migrants is not a solution. That would be repeating the Kashmir mistake! The selective and agenda-driven outrage must be shunned. We persistently raise our voices for what's happening in the Middle East or for the Muslims and refuse to speak up for those suffering atrocities in the neighbourhood and for the Hindus. Hindus coming as refugees or migrants is not the answer. CAA is also not relevant. How long, this weakness and non-violence of Hindus will be helpful to the Hindus? The government of India must claim enough territory of Bangladesh to settle the Hindus.

As far as solutions are concerned, the government of India needs to assert itself. At least send a stern warning across that Bangladeshi Hindus are not orphans. As for the Opposition, they need to support the government and speak up for the Hindus of Bangladesh. Any action taken must have the support of all. We can't have an opposition focusing on lesser matters while Bangladesh burns!

We must speak on behalf of the Bangladeshi Hindus. They're homeless, despite being settled all over the globe. Why should the Hindu minority leave quietly just because the brutal majority community wants the whole State/Nation to themselves? May I ask whether the Palestinian Muslims would ever leave Gaza and settle elsewhere? So, Hindus must stay put to the extent possible. Leaving under duress legitimises majoritarianism.  It is very appropriate to read Dhaka University's Professor Abul Barkat's research on the condition of Hindus in Bangladesh. Based on absolute facts he had declared that if such a terrible condition of Hindus continues, no  HINDU will be left in Bangladesh after a few decades.

The Hindus who dared to resist the Islamist extremists and stay in their Matribhumi are on the verge of depletion. Where have the Hindus of Bangladesh disappeared from 30% in 1951 to 8% in 2011?


After Partition, minorities in India were protected and flourished but what is the situation of minorities in the countries which were created- Pakistan and Bangladesh? Very deplorable! Strength in action is the real deal. But let us build that relationship on the grounds of clear communication - unless the minorities are protected, India will be constrained to consider Bangladesh a friendly nation. If they are protected, India will go the extra mile to help Bangladesh's stability. India will talk tough with Bangladesh. Nation wishes to hear strong voices about what were must do. Analysis of the situation is passé. We all know what is happening there. We all know of the horrible plight of the Hindus in Bangladesh today.

A Bangladeshi Hindu raised a very poignant point "Why is it that Hindus and Hindu properties are targeted every time there is a Revolution, regime change, or some such disturbance". Nobody deems all this as a problem that Bangladesh's students, civil society and citizens are trying to control. Till now, no answer to the important question raised above has been provided by the students, members of the civil society and citizens. 

Not just Nehru! The policies of the Indian Government over the decades were flawed!

Looser takes everything...Winner get nothing...

 Here is a wrestler who becomes a national sensation without a victory or medal. She has become a national icon without any achievement. To the stand winners, take the laurels. However, there is a name - Vinesh Phogat. Gold - No, Silver - No, Bronze - No or medal - No, she has grabbed all the attention and sympathy. For her, this is not a new narration. It deepened as she surged into the fifty kg. Olympic wrestling final, the first Indian woman to storm into the final. Then came the appalling news of her disqualification due to being a hundred-gram overweight. Instead of silencing her tale sweep, her failures had a pattern of elating it higher and higher. She is a master of sustaining this art.

There is nothing unique to lose in sports. Most participants lose more than the winners. In Paris, there are only three winners in each game and most Olympians lose. There are many Indians too, who narrowly missed the bronze. They missed bronze by a thin distance, in badminton, archery, shooting, athletics, and weightlifting. But, great Vinesh had much more share of name and fame even in ducks. She has more hits than any other struggling sportsperson to her credit what's fascinating about her memoirs is.  What is special about this Olympian in India? It is the conflict, she brawled far away from the ring for some conflicting claims about sexual harassment.

However, here the bout was far more real and tough. It was a real bout of strength and skills. Many Indians aspire to be a part of the Olympic test but only a few succeed although they have all the potential and strength. But, luck doesn't bless them, unlike Vinesh. They only glue to the TV screen and understand the luck of a celebrity who grips on both, with a sort of unmindful heroism. It is a lesson to others as said by John Milton, ' They also serve who only stand and wait.'

Many voices have floated conspiracy theories around her disqualification. It is now clear that they are ignorant about the wrestling rules. This is a country where most of the conversation is in the style of Bollywood. Former Chief Minister of Haryana, Shri Bhupindra Singh Hooda did a wonderful stunt by demanding the government to nominate Vinesh Phogat to the Rajya Sabha. However, this stunt was wisely and timely punctured by the family of Vinesh itself by dubbing it a 'political stunt' lest it became a national controversy and mockery. Even they started doubting the entire selection and switch-over process from the 53 kg to 50 kg category. These over-zealot voices have to be silenced by the sports minister by giving details about the huge amount of money spent by the government of Vinesh and her training. An MP termed her disqualification as a lesson to all to keep our weight in control and check. 

The strength and plot of this tale is Vinesh herself. She played her role very perfectly, whether, in politics, protest, sports, words, postures, photo sessions, her tweet announcing her retirement,  her reflections were beyond words haul. Not long ago, she bitterly lashed the same Indians for standardizing the sexual abuse, which made her a national celebrity and glorious victim without any medal.

Regular trolls, feminists, liberals and 'Me Too' warriors also found a good opportunity to jump into the ring and came lashing with set lexicography like patriarchal elements in the 'macho government', not listening to a woman. Some compared her with Kamala Harris, and some branded her as a 'lioness', 'sherni', 'tigress' and whatnot.

Vinesh made the nation forget the atrocities against the Hindus in Bangladesh, five hundred deaths in Waynad,  more than a hundred deaths in the Tamilnadu hooch tragedy, Manipur violence, the success of the film Kalki etc. Nobody remembers the names of the winners Manu Bhaker, Neeraj Chopra, Swapnil Kusale, Aman Sehrawat, Shrijesh etc. Earnest Hemmingway very aptly commented, "Winners take nothing." This charisma is Vinesh. God doth not need, Either man's work or his gifts; who best, Bear his mild yoke, they serve him best.

Saturday 8 June 2024

Degrees Without knowledge

 A fresh video in some newspapers and news channels of private university students and some other students of other institutions from NCR participating in a protest march gave enough insight into the level of knowledge about what their march is about. It is just like those farmers agitating against Farm Bills but do not know Farm Bills or the students from Jamia Milia agitating against CAA/NRC but no knowledge about these acts.

They were displaying bold placards but failed to explain the contents. Some of them even failed to explain the sentences about the protests. The particular institution and even the reason for the dissent march are irrelevant to the matter of the video, the university and the students at the same time provided mirth and laughter and ironically very sad and depressing, speaks volumes about the majority of the university students today. They have degrees and certificates but sans knowledge and awareness.

Students are highly privileged in India. Their expenses, whims and fancies are borne by their parents, college authorities and vote-hungry governments. These students wear branded clothes but don't have wearing sense. They have expensive phones but no phone sense and communication skills. There are crores of Indian graduates, would-be graduates who do not know, the ability to think, communicate, understand, analyse, and have problem-solving capabilities even after completing twelve years in schools and three to four years in college.

This level of incompetence and ill-manning is across India. There are few bright students out of these billions of degrees and certificate holders. Now, there is a tremendous shortage of successful startups, brilliant legal experts, surgeons, inventors, professors, administrators, learned orators etc. The scenario is very dim. Global and national surveys indicate that the majority of Indian graduates are unemployable.

Why is this situation? Most Indian students have very little access to education and high resources. Their parents never motivate the children to work hard, read, write and analyse. Parents and families hardly discuss books, general and current knowledge, manners and discipline. Instead, they discuss new gadgets, phones, market food, shopping, films, picnics, tourism, cricket, celebrity marriages, parting etc. Families are on the phones all the time. This is the breeding point of incompetency, bad manners, disruptive behaviour and intellectual emptiness. They don't discuss education, newspapers, college or university curriculum.

Watching videos has become very popular with the students. Reading is not liked by them. Most of them don't have books and writing materials. They don't want to do mental exercises to read and write. To understand anything, one has to read and write.

Student-friendly rules, No Detention system, and Internal and Continuous Assessment/evaluation are also responsible for the falling standard of the students. The internal and Continuous Assessment/evaluation system is a fake and farce evaluation system. Without any evaluation or assessment, almost all the students pass with high scores. Such an evaluation system must be scrapped. Such a system produces Educated Illiterates (across all standards). They have little or no understanding of their curriculum and the world around them.

There are many distractions. Everybody wants a good life. expensive phones, dating friends, branded clothes, fast food, picnics, shopping and hanging out at bars and restaurants. Addiction to social media is the biggest and most fatal distraction. As a result, they are lost in the web of this artificial and confusing world. Their mind has no space to think and understand the purpose and meaning of life. A comfortable job with a handsome package is their only goal. Most of them are just cyber coolies without any thinking capabilities.

There is no focus and desire to excel in life. They focus only on an easy lifestyle. Due to small family norms, parents keep on supporting their wards. Even some of the modern students do not want to marry or have children due to fear of responsibilities. This is the highest level of incompetency and insanity.

It is not too late. Now stop this senselessness. Stop being distracted, intellectually bankrupt and non-achiever. Think about the world, life, parents and family. Create your space as a creative and productive member of the family and society. Set and stay focused on lofty goals to achieve them.

Human infrastructure is very important to develop a society. India has billions of brilliant minds. They only need the aptitude to think critically and perform a better future for themselves and society. If this attitude is not changed, It may lead to colonised rule and slave mentality.

Teach children, Hindu scriptures offering high moral values

 Many people will laugh and it will be difficult to believe this. Hindu scriptures are highly knowledgeable of moral and philosophies thanks to our ancient and immortal saints, rishis and gurus.

Hinduism is different and distinct from Christianity and Islam. It is not fundamentalist like Abrahamic religions and their intolerant variations. In these faiths many followers are as extremists as the religious fundamentalists are; while in Hinduism neither the religion nor the followers are extremist. Hinduism simply means that you believe in your God. Ancient Indian philosophical beliefs like Samkhya, Nyaya, Mimansa, Vedanta, Charvaka etc preach the same philosophy of tolerance and inclusiveness.

 A Hindu should actually be tolerant to all. You don't have to attack non-Hindus to establish that you are a Hindu unlike Abrahamic religions and their variations. Actually natural law of cause and effect along with the controlling power, are karma, dharma and God. A believer in Hinduism doesn't mean everyone has to be. There may be multiple believer in a family -- Husband Shaivite; wife Vaishnavite, brother Ram bhakt; sister Krishna bhakt ; bhabhi and mother Mata Vaishno Devi worshipper; and father was an Arya Samaji...This is Hinduism.

Among the Hindus, having multiple faith in one family is a very ordinary reality. Same fact was also true to the royal families. Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism were the three main religions of the Maurayan dynasty. King Ashoka was a Buddhist. Chandragupta Maura followed Jainism. Bidusara followed Brahmanism, calling him a "Brahmana bhatto" ("votary of the Brahmanas") or Ajivika (a faith that believed that everything was pre-destined by niyati or destiny). These are all branches of Hinduism.

Parents should create interest in children about Hindu Gods and Goddess. Explain the idea of dharma and karma to them. God will be there to bless you and help you because you believe in Him. You action or karma and dharma or bhakti are responsible for the results. It is highly scientific just like the law of cause and effect. Create an early interest into karma, dharma and advait. The child will blaze and glaze like the child of a gurukul. They will be expert in these concept on getting maturity. 


Saturday 30 March 2024

The Aged Priest

 There was a very unkind Mughal ruler. His kingdom has very cruel laws. Once, there was a famine in his kingdom. He issued an order that all the citizens have to dump their old relatives in the forests and leave to die to save the food.

            There lived an old and poor Brahmin priest and his disciple in a temple outside the city. Their devotion to God and each other was exceptional. The poor disciple loved his aged Guru with warm care, and the order of the unkind ruler filled his heart with pain and anxiety. But nobody dares to defy the order of the king. So, with great pain and hopeless anguish, the disciple prepared to abandon his Guru in the forest to meet the death. This was considered the kindest mode of death by the king to the old people.

            Just at sunset, when their day's rituals ended, he took some bread, given by devotees which was the food for the poor Brahmin priest and his disciple. He dried them and tied them in a strong cloth which he hung in a potli (bag) on his shoulder along with a bottle of sweet- clean drinking water. Then he lifted his feeble old Guru on his back and started his sad and difficult voyage to the forest. The road was muddy and rocky. The narrow lanes and by-lanes were crossed and re-crossed by many corridors made by dacoits, hunters and woodcutters. Many times, the disciple was confused and lost his path but he did not care. One path after the other path, he kept on marching. The disciple went, moving blindly forward - even forward towards blind turns - even deeper towards dense dark forest what is known as "Mukti Dhaam," a place where "aged are abandoned. "

            The eyes of the old Brahmin priest were not very weak. He noted the fast and quick pace from one lane to another lane. His learned and experienced heart grew restless. His disciple did not know the many zigzag paths of the forest and his back journey might be one of the hazards. So he stretched forth his long arms and plucking the soft twigs from the plants and the bushes as they passed, he gently dropped a handful past a few steps of the passage, so that as they passed, the narrow lanes in the forests were strewn at recurrent intervals with small heaps of twigs.

                        At last, they reached the designated place. Exhausted and sad by heart, the disciple quietly released his Guru from his back. He tried to make a place of comfort as his last 'karma' for his Guru. Collecting fallen soft twigs and leaves he made a soft bed and gently lifted and seated his old and feeble Guru onto it. He tightened his old sheet more tightly about his bending back and with teary eyes and a crying heart, he said goodbye to his dear disciple.

            The shaky Guru's voice was packed with generous love as he delivered his last sermon. "Don't cry, my son." He said. "The forest path is packed with hazards. Move carefully and take the path which has the heaps of twigs. They will direct you to the right path back home." The disciple's stunned eyes looked farther down the path, the poor old Guru, his wrinkled hands all hurt and soiled by his work of love. His heart shattered and bowing to his Guru he cried: "Oh, Worthy Guru, your kindness smashes my heart! I can't leave you. Together we will track the pathway of twigs, and together we will breathe the last!"

            Again he lifted his Guru on his back (it seemed very light now) and moved fast to the path, through the moonlight and the shadows of the trees, to the little temple outside the city.  

            He digged beneath the kitchen, a hidden hole in the ground, concealed from the view of the people. There he kept everything they needed. The disciple was concerned that he would be discovered by the men of the king. Months and years passed. They begin to feel secure. The luck ran out. Again the king sent forth another harsh order to show his might. He ordered that all the citizens would show him a pot filled with the ashes of the dead old people. 

            The entire kingdom shuddered with horror. The order must be abided. Who in the kingdom could show a pot filled with ashes? One evening, the disciple, in great anguish, whispered the dreadful order to his hidden Guru. "Wait!" The Guru said. "Let will think, Let me think." The next day, he told him, what to do. "Bring an old pot," he said. "Burn some manure cake on a calm night." The disciple called upon the guards of the King and did as told by the wise Guru when the fire was extinguished. There in the pot, with everything showing perfectly, kept the pot of ashes.

            The king was delighted at the intelligence and loyalty of the disciple and commended him immensely. However, he asked how he had got these great qualities. "Alas! Alas!" wept the disciple "The reality must be revealed honestly!" and with a long sigh narrated his act. The king listened seriously and pondered in quiet about the wisdom of the old Brahmin priest. Lastly, he spoke. "Intelligence is more significant than power in youth." He said seriously. " Alas! I must have kept in mind the well-known motto, " With the crown of thorns, there comes the wisdom." That very moment that brutal law was scrapped and law remained to allow the old to live peacefully.