Tuesday, 24 December 2024

Need of Gender Neutral prenuptial agreement

 The suicide of Bangaluru engineer Atul Subhash has triggered a nationwide debate about the anti-man marriage laws. His thirty pages suicide note and eight minutes long video blaming his estranged wife and her family of harassment, extortion, blackmailing and subsequent suicide has pulled the attention of the nation and triggered a big debate on how sick is our legal and social system in disputes of disturbed and abusive relationships.

The suicide of Atul  Subhash has enforced the idea that men are much more in need of legal, social and emotional support than women, though the activists, feminists and other rights groups are still hooked to propagate otherwise. It manifests how 'dowry' lingers as a perilous weapon in society to harass men for more than almost seven decades since it was decreed as a cognizable offence. In cities and the educated class, the dowry system is nearly eradicated. But, this anti-dowry act is used by all against the husband and his family to settle the score and extort a huge amount as a divorce package.

This case has again affirmed that whenever there is a dispute between husband and wife, 'all men' are victims of this high-handedness. All women use this as a tool to harass the husband's side. Atul's wounding description of the legal system is the story of all men. Section 498A of the formerly IPC (Section 85 of the BNS) is an unkind section for men. Even the highest court of the land The Supreme Court (while quashing many such cases) has articulated unease over the mounting trend "to abuse the provisions of the section," to "let loose personal grudge" and "making unfair demands."

The other scenario should be out of deliberation now. There was a time, when married women suffered mental, physical and financial harassment for decades, without any legal support. This forced the lawmakers to bring the 498A section. However, among the Muslims, married women in a majority of cases, still have to swallow the mental and physical abuses for life, without any legal remedy.

Whenever there is a tragedy, precious life is lost and many others and families are ruined in legal mesh, people cry for gender-neutral laws and legal reforms. One-sided strict laws are not the remedy because the more stringent the laws, the more they will be abused. There is much more in the pledge that can be specified. The legal system is not always guided by the material and the evidence. It depends upon many other things. Deciding about an alimony is a persecution to the husband. There is no law to address the pain and agony of the husband and his family. They have to face untold miseries and humiliation right from filing the case. There is no consideration of their mental trauma and social embarrassment.

Long-drawn-out divorces and legal battles are also other torturous issues. Atul also blamed the endless dates and court visits, partisan and corrupt judges, court staff and other authorities for his mental and financial agony.  However, it was just another cruise for the wife and her family to grab a fat divorce and settlement package by misusing the law and the system. The top court has commented," Laws For Women's Welfare Not Tools To "Extort" Their Husbands: Top Court."

Irrespective of the conclusion of the investigations, one thing is clear with the suicide of Atul Subhash the society, system and legal web are up the fault line. Now, the malaise is rather deep. It needs drastic reform to fix the trust. This is big irony that one has to pay alimony and maintenance foe entire life according to his status to a woman with whom the man has no relationship anymore.  Who will look after his parents in case he dies or became a pauper? These are serous flows in the law.

There should be a legal provision of a prenuptial agreement, in a written contract form enforced before marriage or a civil union that facilitates them to choose and manage all the legal rights upon marrying, or marriage ends by divorce or death. This law should be gender neutral and supersede all the martial laws in the event of divorce, division of property, retirement benefits, savings, alimony, children's expenses, care of old and sick family members etc.    

Some countries, including the United States, Belgium, Netherlands etc have prenuptial agreements that cover all the events of divorce, death, property and even bankruptcy. Many countries, including France, Germany, Italy and Canada have matrimonial regimes instead of prenuptial agreements. Goa is the only state in India where a prenuptial agreement is legally enforceable, as it still follows the civil code of Portuguese, of 1987.

The law should be amended to address men's harassment. It is very easy to malign women than to do real work to support and protect men. Far left-wing feminists would be assembled to oppose men's rights activists, the anti-Section 498 and anti-man fantasists etc. It requires a lot of work and courage to reform the Marriage and Divorce Acts.

उच्च जातियों ने क्या अपराध किया है?

 आज सामाजिक न्याय के नाम पर ब्राह्मण, क्षत्रिय, वैश्य, मारवाणी आदि सवर्ण जातियों को किस आधार पर ऊँची जाती वाला बोल कर सुविधाओं से वंचित ही नहीं किया जाता है अपितु उनको अनेक प्रकार से प्रताणित और अपनामित  किया जाता है। आज के दौर में ऐसा क्या है इन जातियों में ऊँचा है, सरकारों को उसका भी खुलासा करना चाहिए। जबकि ये जातियां अल्पसंख्यक ही नहीं हो रही हैं अपितु खत्म भी होती जा रही हैं । बिहार की जातिगत जनगणना ने इसे सिद्ध भी कर दिया है ।

      अगर पाठ पूजा करना, पंचांग पढ़ना, हवन करवाना, पौराणिक एवम धर्मिक व्यवसाय,  देश और समाज की सुरक्षा करना, उनके सम्मान और अस्मिता की रक्षा करने में अपनी जान न्यौछावर करना, बलिदान, त्याग, देश समाज की आर्थिक ढांचे को सुचारू रूप से चलने और व्यवसाय करने, राष्ट्र निर्माण में अमूल्य योगदान करने वालों को आज सवर्ण जाति कह कर प्रताणित किया जाता है और उपहास उडाया जाता है ।

      उदाहरण के लिये आजकल मंदिरों के पुजारी और पुरोहित मंदिर कमेटी के आधीन नौकरी करते हैं,  जिन्हें बहुत ही कम वेतन दिया जाता है, सारा दान और चढावा मंदिर-कमेटी के सदस्य अथवा सरकारी ट्रुस्ट ले जाते हैं । वे सदैव दबाव और गरीबी में ही रहते हैं। पुजारी और पुरोहित सिर्फ नौकर के समान ही रह जाते हैं । इतना ही नहीं पुजारिओं को अब तो गाली भी देने लगे हैं और अनेक प्रकार से उत्पीणन सहना पढ्ता हैं । फिर भी इनको उच्च बोल कर सरकारी नौकरी में / सरकारी स्कूल में / सरकारी स्कीमों में किसी प्रकार की छूट नहीं दी जाती है।

      इन सवर्ण जातियों को किसी भी परीक्षा या इंटरव्यू में कोई रियायत ही नहीं मिलती, इतना ही नहीं क्षमता होते हुए भी इनसे भी कम स्तर वाले का चयन कर दिया जाता है। इससे इस वर्ग में भारी निराशा फैल रही है और अनेक आत्महत्या करने को मजबूर होते  हैं ।

      क्या इस सविंधान ने मुगलों और ब्रिटिश शासकों के अमानवीय अत्याचार सहने का इनाम इस प्रकार से दिया है। मुग़लों से युद्ध लड़कर देश और हिंदु धर्म के लिए पूरे परिवार का बलिदान हो जाना सवर्णों का इतिहास रहा है।

      मुगलों  द्वारा जब ब्राह्मणों, क्षत्रियों और वैश्यों को काटा और लूटा जाता था,  वेद, पुराण, गीता, रामायण ग्रंथों को जलाया जाता था,  तो ब्राह्मण ही था जिसने धर्म ग्रंथों को कंठस्थ किया और अत्याचार सहन करते हुए भी छुप छुप कर अपनी संतानों को मंत्र - हवन - क्रियाकर्म की विधि - मुंडन की विधि - गृह प्रवेश, विवाह, जन्म और अंतिम संस्कार, भूमि पूजन आदि सिखाता रहा ताकि अपने देश की संस्कृति और सनातम धर्म जिन्दा रह सके।

      इसी प्रकार वो क्षत्रिय ही होते थे जो वन-वन भटक भटक कर अपने बच्चॉं को घास की रोटी खिला-खिला कर देश और धर्म की रक्षा का पाठ सिखाते थे, ताकि इस देश की रक्षा हो सके और वह हिन्दू धर्म को बचा सके। वे ब्राह्मण भाई मतिदास, सतिदास, जतिदास और भाई दयालदास ही थे जो छ: पीढी तक हिंदुओं और गुरु साहिब के के लिये बलिदान हो गए और अपना सर्वस्व न्यौछावर कर दिया। परंतु उनके नाम पर एक सड़्क भी नहीं है।

      इन हुतात्माओं के बलिदान को कोई नहीं जानता। इन्हीं असंख्य बलिदानियों में हैं ब्राह्मण भाई मतिदास और सतिदास जी का वंश है। भाई मतिदास और सतिदास के पिता भाई हीरानंद जी, पितामह भाई लख्खीदास जी, और प्रपितामह भाई प्रयागा जी ने राष्ट्र तथा धर्म की रक्षा के लिये अपना जीवन अर्पित किया, बलिदान हुये । बाद की पीढ़ी में भाई बालमुकुन्द को अंग्रेजी काल में फाँसी हुई और भाई परमानन्द को कालापानी जेल भेजा गया । इन्हीं के वंशज स्वतंत्रता संग्राम सेनानी डाक्टर भाई महावीर जो मध्यप्रदेश के राज्यपाल रहे । देश लगभग इन्हें भूल चुका है।

      स्वतंत्र भारत के ईतिहास में 1948 में पहला बड़ा कत्लेआम महत्मा गांधी की हत्या के बाद ब्राहमणों का ही हुआ था। देश को गुजरात दंगे और सिख विरोधी दंगे तो याद हैं पर ब्राहमणों के कत्लेआम को सब भूल चुके हैं। कश्मीर के भी ब्राहमणों के क्त्लेआम को भी सब भूल चुके हैं तथा लाखों ब्राहमण अपने देश में ही शरणार्थियों की तरह रह रहे हैं।

      जेएयू जैसे संस्थानों में सामाजिक न्याय के नाम पर ब्राहमण, बनियों और ठाकुरों के सफाये के घृणित नारे लगाये जाते हैं। इसी तरह तामिलनाडु, कर्नाट्क, बेंगाल, बिहार, उत्तर प्रदेश आदि राज्यों में ब्राह्मणों, क्षत्रियों, वैश्य, मारवाणी आदि सवर्ण जातियों को अपमानित किया जाता है। भारतीय फिल्में भी ब्राह्मण, क्षत्रिय, वैश्य, मारवाणी आदि के उपहास और घृणा से भरी पड़ीं हैं।

      मुगलों से संघर्ष हो या राष्ट्र निर्माण का कार्य हो, वैश्यों के महान योगदान को कोई भुला नहीं सकता है। ऐसे प्रयासों से सवर्णों ने हिन्दू धर्म को ही नहीं बचाया अपितु राष्ट्र को भी एक हजार वर्ष मुग़लों और 200 वर्ष अंग्रेज़ों के जुल्म के बावजूद बचा कर रखा और भारतियों को हिन्दू बनाये रखा। दुर्भाग्यवश आज उन्ही राष्ट्र निर्माता और राष्ट्र और हिंदु धर्म के प्रहरियों -  सवर्ण जातियों का अपमान हो रहा है।

      इतना ही नहीं, सबर्णों का उत्पीड्न करने के लिए अनुसूचित जाति और जनजाति कानून बना दिया गया है जिसमें सवर्णों को बिना किसी कारण जेल में डाल दिया जाता है।  यह कैसा लोकतंत्र और समानता है?

      सरकारों का यह कर्तव्य बनता है कि चाहे इनको कोई विशेष रियायत ना दे, परन्तु कम से कम शिक्षा, रोजगार, सरकारी योजनाओं और अन्य कार्यों में बराबरी का दर्जा तो दे। ये कैसा सामाजिक न्याय है कि सवर्ण वर्ग को अनावशयक रुप से उच्च बोल कर प्रताड़ित किया जाए।


Wednesday, 4 December 2024

Haryana Hurricane

 Exit polls, media, journalists, analysts etc have all gone wrong and BJP is the mighty winner to form the government for the third time in Haryana in a row. This is nothing short of a miracle and debacle of Congress and other I.N.D.I party. Poll analysts and media had almost declared the victory of Congress due to anti-incumbency as the biggest deciding dynamic and journalists nearly saw this evident annoyance against the BJP. They created slogans against the BJP in favour of Congress 'Kisan, pehalwan, jawan' as the most aggrieved groups in the upshot of highly exaggerated wresters'' protests,  farmer agitation and the youth resentment against the Agniveer scheme. This propaganda has been busted. So-called farmer's leader Gurnam Singh Chadhuni got only 1170 votes and lost his deposit from the Pehowa seat. BJP won this seat. However, the BJP has triumphed its biggest-ever majority in Haryana falsifying all the established narratives.

          This result is all the more surprising for the loud-mouth opposition parties after the good showing of Congress in Lok Sabha elections four months ago by the Congress and opposition parties.  Modi only addressed only four election rallies in this election. In the 2019 election, he addressed ten rallies. He left this work for the Chief Minister of UP, Yogi Adityanath. In contrast to Modi in Haryana, Yogi Adityanath had addressed fourteen election meetings for BJP candidates contesting election from twenty-one assembly seats defying the anti-incumbency factor of ten years, falsifying the media propaganda. The party also fielded many new and non-controversial faces to counter the anti-incumbency propaganda spread by 'andolanjeevis.'

          Sustaining the Hindutva narrative became very strong to counter the Muslim polarization politics of Congress and opposition parties. This might have influenced the voters and BJP leaders to be able to give the message of 'batoge to katoge' very forcefully. The involvement of RSS made a strong difference this time. All the hatchet between RSS and the BJP proved just media gossip in Haryana. RSS and BJP combined organisational vigour to enthuse the voters of Hindutva and nationalism passion. Their leaflet circulated, highlighting the politics of appeasement, anti-Hindu, anti-nationalism and pseudo-secularism appealed to the otherwise secular, liberal and inclusive voters of Haryana.

          The media and Congress falsely created a narrative that the BJP was pitching the election contest as a Jat vs non-Jat.  Whereas it was Congress, whose only focus was on Jat and Muslim votes. This alienated  Hindus and other castes and they saw BJP as a better option. Toxic and threatening speeches of riot-accused leaders like Maman Khan and other Muslim leaders and the silent support of Congress leadership,  alienated and consolidated Hindus more behind the BJP.

          All these factors helped BJP, consolidate Hindu votes, especially the non-Jat votes. BJP might have also gained Dailt votes after the party ignored the resentment of Dalit women leader Kumari Selja. Amit Shah cashed on this and stated Congress was 'anti-Dalit' at his Tohana rally.

          Congress went into the election as a divided and over-confident party. This was visible in media reporting. This impacted the party cadre. Many discontented leaders contested as independent candidates. They cut the vote share of the party candidates further. The over-confidence of Congress leadership embolden BS Hooda, not to partner with AAP, in deviation from the Congress high command. This sent out signals that Congress was arrogant and too over-confident.

          Congress's campaign in the assembly election has nothing new to offer. In its over-confidence, Congress failed to announce any new and noteworthy welfare proposals to counter to BJP. In their written manifesto they failed to communicate such schemes. They failed to understand that this has become a set norm to woo the floating voters. They could not address the issue of common voters. They kept on harping on the old agenda of minorities, caste and quota. On the contrary, during his short term, BJP's Saini gave the people big relief by scrapping the minimum charges of electricity bills. This relief shifted the voters towards the BJP.

          The people of Haryana did not want change. They were contended with the workings of the BJP. This victory will give BJP leaders more confidence to work for the welfare of the people and the national interest in its preparation for the Maharashtra, Jharkhand and Delhi assembly pools. Haryana elections have proved that Hindutva, nationalism ('batoge to katoge' )  coupled with people's welfare are much more appealing than the minority appeasements, caste and quota cries. The hurricane in Haryana was so mighty that it kept all the parties on their toes. They should learn a lesson to avoid divisive politics as it has been rejected by the voters of Haryana. Muslims have to decide whether they want to remain as a vote bank to divisive elements or join the status of dignity and law-abiding. They have again rejected BJP but BJP never rejected them.

Tuesday, 3 December 2024

लुढकता हिंदु....

 शुभ दीपावली। पटाका विहीन दीपावली की बहुत बहुत शुभकामनाएं। 


      वाह! हम सबको शुभ दीपावली कहने में बहुत शर्म आने लगी हैं। अब सभी हिंदू हैप्पी दीवाली कहने लगे हैं। अरफा खानम शेरवानी जैसे कट्टरपंथी तो दीपावली मुबारक तक कह कर एक तरह से हिन्दुओं और दीपावली का उपहास उड़ा रहे हैं। सारी की सारी धर्मनिर्पेक्क्षता, रचनात्मकता और अभिव्यक्ति की आजादी की स्वतंत्रता सिर्फ हिंदुओं का मज़ाक उड़ाने के लिये ही है। हिंदुओं के त्योहार आते ही समाचार पत्रों, समाज सुधारकों, पर्यावरण के मौलनाऔं, एन.जी.ओ. आदि का भी सीज़न आ जाता है चाहे दिवाली, होली, करवाचौथ, कावण यात्रा हो या मुर्ती विसर्जन का मुहुर्त हो, सभी सुपर फास्ट और ज्ञानी हो जाते हैं।  


      हर तरह की बात सुनने को तैयार हिंदू, सुनने का मौका देने वाले हमारी शुभता और उच्चता की कामना रखने वाले, धीरे धीरे सब कुछ खोते जा रहे हैं। हिंदू सिर्फ व्हाट्सएप पर ही इतराता है और सिर्फ व्हाट्सएप पर ही हिंदू दिखता है। 


      हम सभी, दुनिया का सब कुछ प्राप्त करने के लिए मात्र लालायित होकर इधर उधर बाजारों में भटकते हैं परन्तु धर्म का कुछ भी नहीं करते हैं। दुकानदार खूब कमाई करते हैं। सभी बाजारों में भटकते रहते हैं पर मंदिर में पुजारी और उनका परिवार गरीबी में ही भटकते रहते हैं। हजारों रूपये खर्च करने के बाद भी क्या कुछ हम सनातन धर्म के लिए कुछ काम करते हैं? उत्तर एकदम साफ़ है! नहीं। 


      भारी भरकम खरीदारी करने के बाद हम उसको चोर और लुटेरों से बचाकर रखते हैं और घर लाकर धोकर, साफ करके सभी से दूर बचाकर पूजा स्थल के निकट करीने से सजाकर रख कर प्रसन्न और गर्वित हो जाते थे कि हमने माता लक्ष्मी जी और गणेश जी को प्रसन्न करने के लिए दीपोत्सव मनाने के लिए पर्याप्त दीप सजा लिए हैं । फिर घर की महिलाओं अपनी बहादुरी अपनी मंडली में बखान करती हैं और अगर कहीं पिछड़ जाती हैं तो फिर बाज़ार के चक्कर काट रही होती हैं। 


      इसके बाद दीपावली के दिन, थाली में रंगोली, पूजा सामग्री सजाकर और उसमें दीप रखकर, लक्ष्मी जी और गणेश जी के सम्मुख पूजा प्रारंभ करती हैं परन्तु उन्हें लक्ष्मी जी और गणेश जी का एक भी मंत्र और श्लोक नहीं आता है। पूजा की कारवाही पूरी करके घर के प्रत्येक कोने मे थाली घुमा सारे विश्व की खुशियों और वैभव से अपने सारे घर को भरने की कामना करती हैं। 


      अब टीवी पर सारे जग की जगमगाहट देखकर और पड़ोसियों के घरों को देखकर उनसे अपने दियों  की प्रज्जविलत रोशनी और महक की प्रदीप्ति को बेहतर मानकर मन ही मन प्रसन्न होती हैं और चेहरे को और हाव भाव और ज्यादा गर्वित संतुष्टि मानकर खुद को श्रेष्ठता की श्रेणी में सबसे पहले रखकर सपनों की दुनिया में खोकर सो जाती हैं।

      बस यही है हिंदुओं के महानता! हमारी मनुष्यता और गर्व जीवन में हम जिन चीजों से खुद को आभा मंडित करते हुए अपने को श्रेष्ठतम इंसानों की श्रेणी में रखकर खुद को आम इंसान और मनुष्यता से बेहतर बनाते या सोचते हैं, काम हो या कोई त्योहार हो, उसके निकल जाने के बाद उन्हीं चीजों और त्योहारों को भुला - बिसरा कर उनकी बेकदरी करके फिर आगे बढ़ जाते हैं। यही आज के हिंदुओं की मनुष्यता है और धर्म है। यही हिंदु और गैर - हिंदुओं में अंतर है।  


      दीपोत्सव की अगली भोर उठते ही चारों तरफ थकान और गंदगी की अराजकाता का कोलाहल और दिमाग और मन को झकझोर देता है और एक विरक्ति का भाव से मन विचलित हो जाता है। इधर उधर बिखरे दियों की व्यर्थता और अकेलापन, कहीं पटाखों और आतिशाबाजी का कचरा, तो कहीं पैरों और गाड़ियों के पहियों के नीचे आने से टूटने - फूटने का कर्कश रुदन और उनके बिखरने और चटकने का उनका दर्द और विलाप शायद ही कोई सुनता और समझता हो


      काश हर घर मे कोई होता की उपयोग की गई वस्तु को सम्मान के साथ विसर्जित अथवा जला दिया जाता जिससे गंदगी भी नहीं होती और पवित्रता का भी सम्मान होता। यह भी हो सकता था कि हम उन्हें धोकर अगले वर्ष के लिए संजोकर रखें जिस प्रकार सम्मान और मेहनत से हमने उन्हें घरों और पूजा के स्थान में सजाया था।


      लेकिन हम हिंदुं लोग अपनी आदत नहीं सुधारते क्यों कि हमारे अंदर आस्था और ज्ञान एकदम खत्म हो चुकी है। हम अपनी अज्ञानता और अनुशासनहीनता को छोड़ नहीं पाते और अपने धर्म का नाटक पूरा होते ही चीजों और धर्म को को भुला कर अपने हिंदुत्व और धर्म का पर दंभ भरते हैं जबकि वास्तव मे यह अज्ञानता और अनुशासनहीनता है।  


      क्यों ना हम इस दीपों के उत्सव और त्योहार से केवल एक ही सीख ले कि खुद अज्ञानता और अनुशासनहीनता को त्याग कर ज्ञान, धर्म और अनुशासन की ओर अग्रसित होकर एक बदलाव लाएगें।  चाहे वो दिए हो या हिंदुत्व का ज्ञान हो या जीवन में अनुशासन हों।  जो भी हमारे जीवन, समाज और राष्ट्र को शुभ और सशक्त बनाते हैं उनका सम्मान और उनके स्वाभिमान की रक्षा काम हो पुरा हो या कहें कि काम निकल जाने के बाद भी करें तो हमारे जीवन को सार्थक होने के साथ-साथ रचनात्मक एवं सृजनात्मक बना सकते हैं तथा धर्म और राष्ट्र को शक्तिशाली भी बना सकते हैं और टूटे बिखरे-बिखरे लुढकते हिंदुओं, सनातम धर्म और राष्ट्र को सशक्त बना सकते हैं यही सच्ची दीपावली होगी और यही सच्चा धर्म होगा। नहीं तो सानातन धर्म के रक्षक पुजारी और पंडित मंदिर के किसी कोने में अपने परिवर के साथ एक थाली भोजन की प्रतिक्षा में कहीं भूखे ही ना सो जायें।


शुभ दीपावली

Covid-19 Love Story

 It was COVID-19, or the reasonable and mandatory lock-down or quarantine, that changed my life. It turned my home-shifting plans, first, into a three-month horrendous experience and then a happy ending for the rest of my life. I lived happily for almost two decades in a government accommodation given to my master Mohammad Ali in the posh area of the Asian Games village in South Delhi.

            My master was a government officer. He died three years ago. His wife was much younger than he. She got a government job on compassionate grounds. She could have continued to stay there using the sympathy, victim card and good connections, but she decided not to use those things and sought a new government quarter according to her service level. She easily got a quarter allotted in another colony which was at a distance of around twenty kilometers.

            Luckily for me, I was retained by her as a driver. She gave me the servant room to live in her new apartment at Timar Pur. It was readied by the maintenance staff very fast. We were ready to move out of our Vasant Kunj apartment and got ready to move out to the new address.

            In the third week of February, my new master asked the Electricity, Water departments and IGL to cut the supply and connections of the old house. They agreed immediately. She asked the Telephone Directorate to transfer her telephone to the new address. However, despite repeated requests, the request was not fulfilled. 

            As my new boss, Mrs Fatima Ali was a widow now. She had one home in Kashmir and the other in Delhi. She was supposed to shift during the holy month of Ramadan. She discussed her plan with the Maulvis. They suggested a date in the month of March. As she lost her husband, she wanted to move according to the suggestions of soothsayers to ward off any ominous spirit. 

            My preference was to shift on the first day of Navaratra. Fortunately, my pundits agree on the date. My two pundits, one from my village and another from Delhi, though they disagree on time. I was told by one of the pundits to do the Griha Pravesh in the morning, light a lamp, perform Ganapathi Puja prepare the sweet kheer and offer prasadam to the deity before doing anything else. It was very easy but a little early for a single man since my family lives in my village.

            My Delhi pundit was extremely liberal. He recommended any day or time during Navratra would be lucky - I could shift to my new home at my convenient time and perform the Ganapathi and Navaratra Puja after settling down properly. He added that before leaving, cleaned the entire house properly last time. However, he suggested further, "When you leave your old house, go to each room, pray and express gratitude to the Vastu Purush for caring and blessing you all these years. While departing, switch on the front room light and switch off all other lights."

            Mrs Fatima hired a movers and packers services and asked her friends and colleagues to help her shift to the new house. About two weeks before that, She carried her personal belongings and her departed husband's important items like clothes, laptop, notepad, paper, pen etc. to the new address to make sure they were in one container. " These include her husband's certificates, service papers, pension papers, property documents, books, print articles, holy books, musical instruments like flute, mouth organ, tabla, dholak, harmonium (her husband's instruments were her favourite) and some pictures. She wanted to be able to shift to a new residence without wasting too much time to be comfortable there.

            On March 22, the 'Janta Curfew'  by the Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi. The lock-down was sudden, as well as mysterious. There were unaccountable stories about the deadly COVID-19 and its impact.

            We could have shifted here if a week or at least a few days were given, performing the poojas, havans with all the other belongings. But with the abrupt lockdown, everything went haywire. 

            The packing company informed Madam to wait due to the sudden lockdown for an indefinite period because all the workers hurriedly rushed to their native places. In her excitement, she happily moved all the air-conditioners to a new flat. So she has to bear the scorching heat of Delhi by June. She had rashes on her skin due to heat. This is the smallest unpleasant incident.

            We moved most of our clothes and belongings to the new house. As time passed, we had no clothes to change into at our old home. I had to request my friend Ashok Kumar to get some clothes. He was kind enough to give me his two pairs of T-shirts and half-pants for me and two old salwar suits of his wife for Madam. Madam was overwhelmed to see my concern for her safety and well-being. The first time, I saw in her eyes a sense of gratitude and affection for me. 

            That sounds like a strange but powerful and intimate experience—living through those challenging days, developing unanticipated attachment, and finding a sense of affection and togetherness amid hardship. It’s miraculous how people can become so close in times of hardship, mainly when faced with limited resources and shared responsibilities.

            It appears like Mrs. Fatima became not just a boss or acquaintance, but almost a cohort in this survival journey.  Spreading sheets on the ground to create a “livable room” feels like it symbolizes not just physical adjustments, but emotional ones too—a space made comfortable not by the luxury of things, but by mutual care and respect. There's a special kind of trust and camaraderie that emerges when you're sharing not just space, but the raw realities of daily life, especially in tough times.

            We were just sitting pointlessly and counting days for a break in the lockdown. Again, I conferred with an astrologer for a new auspicious day. He smiled and replied, " Get ready for a long drag. All the individual horoscopes and stars are not working right now. All are poised. This is a time of universal crisis."

            We are very religious but not superstitious. It is the family practice of Madam to perform some Islamic rituals before starting any new work. It was my family's belief to do Graha Pravesh (entering a new house) on an auspicious day or mahurath. So, when she finally moved, she called the Maulvi to recite the Holy Quran first in her drawing room. I also got the puja and haven performed by Pundit Ji on the auspicious day and time and prepared the milk kheer first. 

            Movers and packers were very swift. Authorities ordered that all employees and workers wear masks, and gloves and use hand sanitiser. Madam assured me that she will take care of it. They got all the formalities and permits in the first week of June. Both the area Municipal and Health offices should allow you to  exit  and enter. It is a well-known fact that workers and poor people suffer because they are slack in following the discipline in line.

            You can't ask for help from your friends because of the risk. Even the most sincere packer can get frustrated and puzzled when one's most valuable belongings are piles of office records books, documents, magazines and clippings. We are sure they wondered if we put garbage, scrap bags, radios, transistors, boxes of cassettes, CDs and pen drives while dragging boxes up and down the stairs. Who is playing cassettes, cassette players, and tape recorders these days? Should we tow them or throw them away?

The Covid virus or the China bimaree, has taken the world back to the Dark Ages. Communities are practising new forms of racism. People who know anything about this disease are pretending like expert doctors and scientists.  

            Media propaganda has only helped to develop and strengthen this way of thinking and approach ---- Whether the curfew or lock-down was successful in containing the disease is debatable, but the broadcast raises psychological fears in the country. 

            COVID-19 patients and indispensable workers have suffered prejudices. Families even refused to bury the dead for fear of infection. History appears to be repeating itself. This pandemic has destroyed all the joys of civilization. The families used to shun and dump their own to pitiless seclusion and weird funerals during an eruption.

            This hardship took a beautifully warm turn, and I could feel the delicate swings in the bond between me and Mrs Fatima. It’s captivating how, over time, our relationship deepens into something more than just a practical or transactional partnership—it becomes a shared emotional journey, marked by small but significant gestures that speak volumes.

            The way she snatched the sheet from me on the first night, insisting on sharing the bed, carries a lot of weight. It's a tender moment where she cares for me and seeks to share a sense of belonging with me. Her eyes, filled with affection and perhaps a longing for companionship, reflect something more profound than simple familiarity. It seems like this bond was quietly growing, fueled by the comfort of proximity and the warmth of mutual support through difficult times.

            The next morning, when I decide to visit the temple, the bond deepens even further. It's interesting that, even in this sacred setting, the bond is expressed in a physical, almost silent way—when she grabbed my hand. The act of holding hands in a place of prayer could symbolize many things: trust, solidarity, or the quiet acceptance of the relationship that has unfolded between us.

            The temple is a space of devotion, and perhaps, in that shared silence and presence, both of us are able to express feelings that go beyond words—feelings that were nurtured during the months of struggle. Our prayer, her presence beside me, and the way our hands intertwined, all seem to communicate a deep, unspoken connection. It’s as if we’ve transcended the boundaries of circumstance and found a new sense of togetherness, both physical and spiritual.


Thursday, 17 October 2024

Farewell My Friends


When I strive to think how my blissful years went

Left with life in this dark - gloomy world and tide,

And that modest flair that is retirement stopped inside 

Trapped inside me worthless, though my spirit more meant   

To dole out with my learners, present ideas and comment   

My apt version, lest life remain hesitant and dried,

"The Creator expects full life work, but is the scheme defied?"

Tenderly pose I. However, Hark does not repent of fate  

That whisper, retorts quickly: "God does not heed

Neither man's labour nor his talent: who finest

Carry His calm duty, they attend Him highest.

His kingdom is majestic; the universe is at His will and need

And move over the earth and the deep, sans nest:   

They fulfil Divine duty to those who pray and stay great."

This sonnet was penned by the poet on his retirement from Swami Sharddhanand College (University of Delhi ), Alipur - Delhi-110036 on 30 June, 2024,  after serving as a teacher for thirty-seven years in the college. He was deeply touched by the farewell given by his colleagues on Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024. This poem is inspired by the famous sonnet 'On His Blindness' by famous poet John Milton.

Thursday, 3 October 2024

The curse of My Race...

My race embarked on as the civilization embarked,

with no name, and with no sphere,
with hymns under my tongue,
with a unique fix on the land.
But now my race is treated,
In the gloomy grease of Parliament Street,
In the banners of Indian democracy,
The vote hunters recline with rigid ideas.

I was born with no memory,
I started amid no expectations,
but strived for some opportunity,
but, the world was cut by prospect.
I have never found equality,
when the wits were split by the horizon -
for the pundit from Banaras,
the scholars from Gurukuls.

We have lost into a lifeless shadow,
pushing our souls far behind.
for the pundit from Banaras,
the scholars from Gurukuls.
the scientists from IITs and IIMs,
the finish line shrinks and sinks,
Like the sea eagle gulps the fries,
and my race cried like a goat in fear.

at the back, all the oceans dried,
as the clouds fold over a barren region,
and the empty bags in hands,
but glue to hunt our names on the sand,
to be wiped out by the tides fast and furious,
to our dismay, moguls assemble at supper;
amid children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren around them,
was it melancholy or mockery or tyranny?

In the wildwood, in untilled grass;
there was no grace, except in their laughter.
Where was the equality of the Constitution?
Parliament, courts and leaders are all riddled,
reclined with rigid head like the opium-eaters,
vilify achievers and high-fliers,
then, dazzlers plan for a pigsty,
reconcile for the dark lanes.

The ripe grapes sucked by blockheads,
Their sight turned acid-held high,
spreading virus charred candelabra,
But the capable glow like the lantern in the darkness,
being Men, they could toil to live,
they accepted the rights of everyone,
The Brahmanic virtues pacified them,
 and turned friendly with twine arms.

Hark, my children, don't lament;
listen to the fresh green voices,
they were formerly themselves,
in the mode, even the wind tamed,
the natural wilderness and inflexions;
Divine plans are greater than the humans,
No man can unmade them and fallen columns,
force Divine is always the emperor.

The children, look at the horizon,
In this wild forest, what do they do?
Alas! you dammed bright pundits,
glow-worm trapped in molasses,
The unkind President holding a council,
encircled by dumb Secretaries,
I defy everything other than my diversity,
The vivid suns I see, the murky suns I cannot see.

The groom un-wrinkle his regal attire,
The prostitute daggles and rumples her clock
The Chief Justice and his bench holding a hearing,
A boatman over rivers, or springs, or along banks,
The soldiers shouldering their caps pass in single file,
Breathe the air but leave a foul smell after me,
praying for every hue and caste, of every rank and religion,
And I am stuck up and am sobbing in my temple.