Thursday 17 October 2024

Farewell My Friends


When I strive to think how my blissful years went

Left with life in this dark - gloomy world and tide,

And that modest flair that is retirement stopped inside 

Trapped inside me worthless, though my spirit more meant   

To dole out with my learners, present ideas and comment   

My apt version, lest life remain hesitant and dried,

"The Creator expects full life work, but is the scheme defied?"

Tenderly pose I. However, Hark does not repent of fate  

That whisper, retorts quickly: "God does not heed

Neither man's labour nor his talent: who finest

Carry His calm duty, they attend Him highest.

His kingdom is majestic; the universe is at His will and need

And move over the earth and the deep, sans nest:   

They fulfil Divine duty to those who pray and stay great."

This sonnet was penned by the poet on his retirement from Swami Sharddhanand College (University of Delhi ), Alipur - Delhi-110036 on 30 June, 2024,  after serving as a teacher for thirty-seven years in the college. He was deeply touched by the farewell given by his colleagues on Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024. This poem is inspired by the famous sonnet 'On His Blindness' by famous poet John Milton.

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