The National Cadet Corps has completed 72 glorious years in the Service of the Nation and the people. The NCC has developed from strength to strength since its foundation in 1948. The cadets, both past and present, ANOs, defence personals and civil staff, carry on the glorious work tirelessly and contribute heavily their energy towards the progress of the nation.
NCC is the biggest youth organization in the world. It consists of students/cadets, teachers/ANOs, training staff, defence officers, and civil staff. These dedicated peoples have been serving the nation and the society very gloriously since the commissioning the NCC as the reserve force of the country.
According to Col.S.Joshi, "The
National Cadet Corps came into existence on 16 July 1948, under the
31st NCC Act of 1948, based on the recommendation of Pundit H Kunzru
Committee. NCC was started with strength of 38,500 Boys Cadets. Girls Cadets
were added in the Army Wing in 1949, Air Wing in 1950 and Naval Wing in 1952.
In the initial stages, NCC was confined mainly to the urban areas. Today NCC
has spread to every corner of the country, having more than 13 lakhs Cadets.
The National Cadet Corps, which has both Boys and Girls as cadets, has the
basic aim of developing the character qualities in the youth to make them good
citizens of the society and worthy leaders of the future in every walk of life."
New challenges confront the nation in the 21st century. The biggest challenge is the problem of employment. To face this challenge of employment and emerge as a strong force, NCC has to equip itself suitably and it is in this aspect that the NCC has to play a very vital and crucial role.
Still, NCC possesses huge potential to help provide employment to the people. It has huge potential but not been exploited fully and properly. It is capable of providing employment not only to the cadets but defence personals too. NCC can also solve the problem of a huge shortage of manpower in defence forces, para-military forces, security forces and state police.
The NCC is a distinctive organization that can offer the young boys and girl cadets, new opening in defence services, security forces, para-military forces and state police. This is the only youth organization, which is also concerned about helping to provide employment to its cadets.
Nowadays defence forces, papa-military forces, security forces and states police have a tremendous shortage of jawans and officers. Since, NCC cadets are already adequately trained and skilled in different aspects and requirements of defence forces and security forces, including weapon training, these NCC cadets can very easily solve the problem of shortage of jawans and officers in defence forces, para-military forces, security forces and state police force. If some special weighted is given to NCC cadets these forces will get trained and skilled NCC cadets to their files.
Politically, in the modern context role of defence personnel is all the more important. It is a well-known fact that defence personals are highly trained, disciplined and skilled personnel. After their retirement, they can be re-employed as store in-charge, instructor, trainer and NCC officer with the NCC units of colleges and schools. These dedicated defence personals will not only be an asset to the educational institutions but they can also inculcate discipline and high moral values among the students. Apart from this fact, they will give much better training to the NCC cadets than the teachers, trained as ANOs.
There is another positive aspect of the re-employment of these defence personals. Since all these retired defence personals must already be getting pension due to their past services, so the government has to pay much less salaries to these personals after adjusting their pension. Educational institutions will get excellent personals in much less wages.
There is another field where NCC can help cadets to get employment to cadets and retired defence personals and that is opening of NCC Academies. The government should encourage the state governments to open NCC schools and academies in every district on the pattern of Military schools. These NCC institutions can train the NCC cadets and youth in a much better way than the civil educational institutions. These trained and skilled cadets can get employment in defence forces, security forces, para-military forces and state police force. There is a big problem of discipline in the civil educational institutions. So these NCC academies will be a role model for the other institutions.
These NCC schools and academies can also re-employ ex-Short Service Commission Officers. Their training, skills and expertise can be utilized in nation-building properly and positively. In these troubled time when nation and society around us get its morals eroded by corruption and anti-national activities, the NCC can guide these student cadets to be better citizens wherever they are employed.
There is another field where NCC cadets can get employment very easily ad serve the nation in the new millennium. The NCC cadets are perfect in physical fitness. So they will be very suitable as a physical training teacher and Yoga teacher. If some special training is given to them in the field of Physical Education and Yoga, they will be an asset in the Prime Minister of India's 'Fit India Mission.' There is a huge potential in this field. So, the NCC can fill this vacuum and give employment to its cadets. This can also improve the standard of games in the country.
In the fast-changing national environment, the NCC as a nursery of future makers of our nation serves to give a positive and creative exposure in varied fields with varied experiences to the cadets and defence personals which help utilize their strength and energies in the nation-building. Apart from this with the employment and involvement, the NCC inculcates much-needed discipline, morals, patriotism and hard work among the youth and the citizens of the country which they tremendously lacking.
With the defence forces, para-military forces, security forces and state police facing an acute shortage of manpower intake, the NCC can fill that emptiness and the largest youth organization that involves the young cadets to the life of adventurism, discipline, morals and career opportunities in available in varied fields.
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